An Adventure to Montana with Dylan Efron
An Adventure to Montana with Dylan Efron
2024 / 10 mins
by Kayla Pratson
“After such a wild year, I was craving that reconnection with the natural world. I wanted to camp, fish, sleep under the stars, and do something where I could involve my whole family and share a bit of my world with them.” – Dylan Efron
Summer can sometimes be a blur of activity. For most of us the longer, warmer days are often filled with travel, plans with friends and family, hobbies, being outdoors, and generally making the most of the additional hours of sunlight. As summer starts to wind down, there can be a natural feeling of wanting to slow down, catch your breath and reflect on all the big, beautiful craziness of the season.
For Vuori Collaborator, Dylan Efron, the fast pace of summer was amplified to an even higher degree. From traveling all over the world to filming new and exciting projects, the beginning part of this year has been nothing short of fast and furious for Dylan. When we sat down with Dylan to chat about his upcoming trip to Montana we couldn’t help but feel connected to his vision. And when we asked him, why Montana, he said, “It’s not the flashiest vacation destination, but it’s exactly what I needed. It’s a place to reconnect with nature and enjoy the slower moments. So, after such a wild year this year, I was craving that reconnection with the natural world. I wanted to camp, fish, sleep under the stars, and do something where I can involve my whole family and share a bit of my world with them.”
A breath of fresh air in Big Sky country and time with friends and family sounds like something we could all use a little more of. Read below for more of our conversation with Dylan on his travel to Montana and be sure to watch the full film above.

What do you love most about Montana?
The open space. It’s MASSIVE. They call it Big Sky country for a reason. You can get lost in the mountainscapes and huge valleys. It feels like a place where you can still discover new places and find your own path. I love the feeling of being able to do whatever we want out there without (many) rules or regulations - just hop in a truck and into the wilderness. Choose your own adventure.
What was it like getting to share that place and experience with your family?
It made it so much more special. I was able to vicariously live through my little brother and sister seeing the beauty of Montana for their first time and it reminded me of all the memories I made out here when I was a kid. This year I really tried to prioritize being in my little brother and sisters lives more because they’re growing up fast and I want to always be there for them. I realized early that showing up to their house to hang out was fun and good for staying in touch, but I want to do more than that. I want to be that person that is always showing them something new. I want to show them new places and help them grow into adventurous and curious little Efron’s.

Can you tell us a little bit about your family tradition of fishing and getting to do that with your siblings?
Fishing started with my dad forcing me to go. I used to hate it because I just wanted to hang out with my friends, not drive four hours to a river, stand in a cold river all day, spend most of my time retying knots because I would snag my fishing line on every single tree possible…. But in the background of all that frustration, I was learning a skill, and a passion. As I got older, I began to appreciate that I knew how to fly-fish and started to seek it out with my friends and family. Fly-Fishing really taught me patience and helped me connect to nature.
What were some of your favorite moments or highlights from this trip?
The night of camping with Zac, Brennen, Eduard, Eugenio and Clay. There was this amazing chemistry between new friends, shared passions, and just enjoying each other’s company. We fished, ate amazing food, the weather was perfect.
And fishing with Olivia and Henry. My dad was laughing reminiscing the first fish I EVER caught. And the experience was awful. My dad was yelling at me to hold the fish, it was biting me, I was in tears — needless to say, I hope that photo is lost into the abyss, my first fish was not a highlight… I can say for sure that this time around, my dad and I made sure their first fish was unforgettable and for better reasons.

What advice would you give to anyone wanting to check out Montana?
My first advice would be to cushion your stay. Montana isn’t the place where you want to try to maximize your full two days and see as much as you possibly can. It’s a place to slow down your pace and enjoy nature. So, I would suggest renting an Airbnb on a river somewhere, hit up a Costco and stock your fridge, and just spend as much time as possible outdoors as you can. Hike, swim in the river, go to Glacier National Park or Yellowstone.
What did you learn about yourself during this trip?
That I still crave that adventure. I really came alive when I was out on the river fishing. Staying at the ranch was AMAZING. But comfort can be an enemy to me. We had food on demand, we could sleep in a cozy bed. It’s easy to just stay comfortable. But once we packed up and started camping, my energy rose 10x. With less options, I become happier and more content. Even the feeling of being without cell signal, I was forced to spend my time in the natural world. That meant more time fishing, swimming in the river, talking to friends, and petting Booey.

What are some of your favorite Vuori products you brought with you for this trip?
Everyone already knows I love the boardshorts, so I’ll skip that.
I would say the combo of the Sunday Performance Joggers and Shorts. I wear the Sunday Performance Shorts more than anything else. They’re like my robe for when I get out of the shower, and what I wear before I get dressed for the day ahead. The Sunday Performance Joggers were great for the cold nights during camping.