5 Dynamic Stretches You Should Incorporate Into Your Daily Routine
Mind & Body
5 Dynamic Stretches You Should Incorporate Into Your Daily Routine
2021 / 4 mins
Vuori ACTV Club Trainer Stef Corgel shares her five favorite stretches you should incorporate into your daily routine. These stretches are perfect before any run or HIIT workout!
1. Extended Quad Stretch
Standing upright, keep your gaze forward while reaching back and capture the top of your foot. Engage your core for stability, flex your quad and kick back into your hand until you feel full tension. Slowly, begin to lean forward and lift your opposite hand to counterbalance.
*Tip: feel free to lean on a sturdy object for assistance

2. Hamstring “Scoop” + Chest Opener
Standing upright, stagger one heel slightly in front of your planted foot. Reach down with both arms in a scooping motion, feeling a deep stretch in the hamstring. Continue the scooping motion up overhead, then create 90 degree angles with the elbows for a slight back-bend. Add 3-4 light jogging steps in between sides.

3. Lateral Lunge with Upper Rotation
With feet parallel and fully extended to either side, bend the knee and lean to one side. Allow the outside arm to fly wide, while the opposite arm reaches to tap the toe. Next, shift your center of gravity back to the middle with straight legs as your arms come “up-and-around” before bending into the opposite knee.

4. Downdog Hip Opener (“Scorpion”)
From plank position, send the hips back and up. Lift one leg and allow the lifted heel to drape heavily over the opposite leg, creating openness in the hip flexor.
*Tip: add 3-5 hip circles each direction for added mobility on each side

5. Single-Leg Deadlift with Ankle Flexion
Balancing on one foot, pull the opposite knee into the chest and hold. Keep the spine flat and gaze straight ahead as you point and flex (or rotate) the ankle. Slowly and with control, sweep the lifted leg straight behind you and feel a hamstring stretch in the standing leg. It is important to only lower the upper body to the point where you can maintain a flat spine. Return to standing and repeat on the opposite leg.
Try them out and don’t forget to check out our latest ACTV club classes. You can find our schedule here.

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